Oh to be in a resort spa this weekend is a luxury I really need and deserve. I hope to be in a room like this if possible but this is too far from me right now, this hotel room is in Greece,
Royal Myconian Resort and Thalasso Spa to be precise. I am loving the turquoise color in this hotel room. And don't you just love a hotel room with a spectacular view?
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Oh and I don't know what's gotten into me, but I am so loving these images. What are your thoughts on these? I think everyone of us is hoping for a happily ever after.

never too old to lend a loving hand
Apparently my pink loving continues... I love the pink and blue accents in this nook. Love the wall color and curtain, they certainly dictated the soothing and relaxing vibe in this lovely nook. I want a place like this in my own home, a quiet place to pick up a book and read. And yes, there should be flowers no matter how small but definitely fresh, I'm not into fake flowers in the house. Oh and isn't that carpet pretty?
source: AliSchwarz

Oh my Pink loving continues ... this living room/sitting room is so lovely with subtle pink shades. A perfect place for girlfirends to talk incessantly to update each other of each one's life. We girls love to do that right? No matter how trivial the topics are, we love talking, and yes eating and drinking while talking. Oh I miss those moments with my girlfriends, its been a while now, oh it's time to schedule a meeting with my fave girls.

I love the pinks in this living room/sitting room... the pinks definitely made this space pretty. The neutrals though add a touch of cozy and homey feel. And that mirror is just gorgeous, love it ♥ This space may be small but so full of glam which I like very much. Hope this space inspire you ladies out there to go spread some pink love in your homes.
This is my kind of bedroom. Bright, beautiful, and with lots of feminine accents. But what makes me want this room so much is the fact that it has a lot of books. I don't think I will ever live in a house without any book, especially on my bedroom, and when I say books I mean those that one can touch and feel and physically flip through their pages. I love the smell of books, both new and old, I really do. Anyways, this bedroom is divine with its white shutters, beautiful and inviting bed with a very pretty headboard, and that chair and lamp in there is just a perfect spot to grab one of those books from that bookcase or from that chair by the window and read on.

I just love looking at this fabulous dining room by Jonathan Adler, I love the bright colors and the combo of yellow and turquoise and then the black and white. This dining space is just giving me so much happy vibe. I am also loving the patterns in here...
I hope this fab space adds a little inspiration to you, I myself is having problems with one of my disk drives as I cannot access the files from there and I'm really hoping that tomorrow I'll find someone who can help me fix my problem.

Oh what a closet... pink and red and oh so glam. I may not be the kind of girl who likes bright colors in my rooms but this one is just right with me. And the huge collection of shoes helps too. Don't you just like the animal print rug in there? The bags look so fab and cool overflowing in that gorgeous suitcase. Of course, Christina Aguilera posing in that pink ladder is quite hot in that hot pink skirt and black top... and her son Max is uber cute in there.

image: DouglasFriedmanPhotography
At first look, my heart totally loved the dining table, it is something I'd really want for my own dining room. It looks sturdy and rustic and would make any space cozy... heck, I'm even imagining it for my home office. But upon further inspection of this dining room I am also loving the comfy bench, the chandelier, and the colors of the walls and ceiling. I am totally loving every detail and piece of this glam and rustic dining room.


I am so loving the pink and green combo in this fresh looking sunlight filled living room/sitting room. The addition of white and cream colored pieces makes this living room even more lovely and dainty. The wallpaper looks wonderful too and the nice green view outside is refreshing. I just love this space. nice...nice...nice... Have a wonderful week ahead ♥
image: shoedevotee,
None of the images are mine
unless stated otherwise.