Oh I just love the look of this lovely nook. So well lighted, airy and with that very comfy chair and ottoman to lay down and put your feet up to how can one not love this space? It has a view and a ready shawl to warm you up in case it gets a little breezy or cold. This kind of space is where I want to be when I'm in the mood for reading or contemplating something...
image: Palmer Weiss
If I could completely re-do my home, this is the style I would do it in. I LOVE this little nook. Darling table, gorgeous lamps, and a very inviting chair. Great inspiration. Thanks for your nice comment on my blog today. Appreciate it.
Yes, I picture myself, in a robe, after a nice warm bubble bath, curled up with a classic jane austen book and a good hot cup of coffee.....in this nook!
I think making a space "nooky" is essential to true, indulgent and peaceful living!
hope you have a peaceful weekend and thanks for coming by!
I love this room
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